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5 Common Mistakes of First-Time Yacht Charters Clients


There are several very important things you need to take note of when you are chartering a yacht for the first time, considering that the Whitsunday yacht charter process can be detailed.

Take note of the following mistakes first-time yacht charter clients make.

1. Relying on the Internet alone, when doing research.

It’s true that you can acquire a lot of relevant and useful information when you surf the Internet, but do not be content with it alone. Consider the fact and the possibility of false advertisement. Posted photos of yachts can be too good to be true. And besides, you cannot absolutely tell if a yacht is in good condition by merely looking at photos, even if each side and component of the boat is photographed.

Do some research using other sources. Ask for referrals. Ask anyone you know who have experienced chartering a yacht.

2. Not testing and inspecting the yacht before the cruise.

Inspect and test each equipment of the yacht. If you are not technically knowledgeable about it, bring someone with you who knows about yachts. If you plan on cruising with kids, be sure the boat you will charter has child-proof railings and sufficient and reliable life jackets. Check the boat with safety in mind. The second thing to consider is convenience. You are hiring a boat to unwind, so it must give you comfort and relaxation.

3. Not asking specific questions about the yacht.

Ask about the year the yacht was built. It is important to know the year or date. Chartering a boat that is too old might not be a good idea since it may need often repair. And the worst thing that may happen on your vacation is to be stuck in the middle of the sea on a broken boat. Make sure the yacht is not more than five years old. Also, ask about details on the overall present condition of the yacht. Obtain a list of all the equipment, tools, and devices in the boat and see to it that they all perform just fine. Inspect also the exterior of the boat aside from the interior.

4. Not being aware of hidden charges.

When you are presented with a summary of charges and fees. Go through the list thoroughly. Ask anything, if there is something you are not sure about, or if there is anything unclear to you. Uprightly ask if there are any hidden charges. The list, of course does not show the “hidden charges” but if you ask, you might get the answer, besides you are the client and you have the right to know what and how much you will pay for. Be assertive on this matter.

5. Not studying the contract thoroughly.

Before you sign which finalises the booking process, make sure you have read and understood everything that is written on the contract. Also, look for things that are not in the contract that are supposed to be stated there; things like reimbursement agreement, in case the boat malfunctioned in the middle of the sea. You need to have a clear understanding and agreement on this situation. Every expense when this happens must be shouldered by the company.

Do not hesitate to ask about something you do not fully understand about the contract. If you think something is missing, or something seems incorrect, speak up and demand for adjustments. Since there is a possibility of changing or adjusting some things about the contract, go for contract signing few weeks before your target date of travel to avoid any delay.


Source by Liz Servito